Per chatbot usage & limits

Per chatbot usage & limits

You can control the costs and quota consumption by setting usage limits per chatbot.

Chatbot usage

To check usage breakdown of the currently selected chatbot, head to ‘Account’ section of your dashboard:
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This card will be shown only if you have more than one chatbot. In case of just one chatbot, your usage can be seen in the ‘Account usage’ card.

Message limits

To set a monthly limit on the number of messages your chatbot can process, head to ‘Limits’ section of your dashboard (Dashboard → Settings → Limits).
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When this limit is reached, the chatbot becomes inactive and no new messages can be sent. The chatbot will become active again if either is true:
  1. A new billing period has begun (calendar month)
  1. The limit has been disabled and the chatbot was manually activated again
  1. The limit has been increased over the current usage and the chatbot was manually activated again
To manually activate a chatbot, head to the “Danger Zone”.